Zong SMS Pkg Monthly Code
All Zong SMS Pkg Monthly Code can be activated online through the My Zong app. You need to download the app to buy any package of your choice, or you can start any package by using a Zong SMS Packages membership code. Zong has a wide range of SMS bundles to choose from.
The main goal is to make it easy for people to make decisions with their friends and families. Zong is making it so that you don’t have to worry about your income or your phone’s limit. The Zong prepaid Monthly SMS + Whatsapp Bundle gives customers 30 MB for WhatsApp every day for the whole month and 15000 SMS on any system at 50 kbps, including tax. You can buy this offer by dialling * 705 #. If you want to cancel the offer, send a message to the UNSUB at 705, and they will cancel it.
Zong SMS Package Monthly Code
Zong is meant to wake up and engage the people of Pakistan with new ideas that keep up with how quickly the world of technology is changing. Zong is known for being affordable and growing with a wide range of clients’ value-added services. Also, check the Zong Balance Save Code
It is growing its wings of inclusion to all corners, making no restrictions along the way, and most importantly, keeping the network good wherever it goes. Zong gives its customers a chance to use the best flexible web packages that aren’t available elsewhere in the country. This makes the experience truly unique.
Zong SMS Pkg Monthly Code
- SMS: 500
- MB: 30
- On-Net Mints: 0
- Off-Net Mints: 0
- Price: PKR 50
- Validity: 30 Days
- Code: *705#
- Un-Sub: SMS (unsub) to 700
Zong SMS Pkg Monthly Code
- SMS: 1000
- MB: 1000
- On-Net Mints: 1000
- Off-Net Mints: 100
- Price: PKR 300
- Validity: 30 Days
- Sub-Code: *1000#
- UnSub: SMS
- (unsub Mahana) to 7091
Features of Zong Monthly SMS Packages:
The most popular Zong Monthly SMS + WhatsApp Package gives you 500 SMS on all networks for 30 days for Rs. 50 (taxes not included) and 30 MBs for WhatsApp per day for a whole month. You can sign up for this offer by dialling *705# and sending an UNSUB message to 700 to cancel.
“Zong Supreme Offer” gives you 5,000 free SMS to all networks, 5,000 free On-Net minutes, 300 free Off-Net minutes, and 5 GB of free data that you can use for 30 days. All of this costs Rs. 1000, which includes taxes.
“Zong Supreme Plus Offer” gives you 10000 free SMS to all networks, 10000 free On-Net minutes, 600 free Off-Net minutes, and free 10000 MB for 30 days for Rs. 1732 (including taxes).
Terms & Conditions
- These deals are good for one month.
- These packages may be subject to all terms and conditions.
- The original price of the package may not be the only cost.
- With the codes given above, you can opt out of this offer.
- Service may be interrupted based on 3G/4G coverage in the area.
- Â Just Dial *705#.